HMR Selects

HMR Selects – Brazen – Aces & Eights EP

todayOctober 8, 2021 63 1 5

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HMR Selects – Brazen – Aces & Eights EP

Strictly for the big sound systems and dark rooms!

RELEASE DATE 2021-10-08
LABEL: Holding Hands
STYLE:  Breakbeat / Electro

1. Aces & Eights Original Mix
2. Twocking Original Mix
3. Muck Original Mix
4. Achey Breaky Original Mix


The 20th release on Holding Hands, and keeping true to form, number 20 comes from a new Harry Wills alias called Brazen does exactly what you expect when you turn on a Holding Hands release. Bendy wendy steam rollers that land somewhere between a rail of k and downing a crate of Red Bulls.

Get your copy now, here on Beatport

Written by: HMR

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